Grievance Redressal Management
Grievance Redressal Management

Customer satisfaction is the key to success for any business enterprises. Our Grievance Management System provides a mechanism to customers for raising their queries, grievances or service requests at will. Any query submitted is first validated against pre-defined FAQs. Once a query is submitted, it is visible to L1 (Level 1) user dashboard. Each hierarchal level has set time limits to process the queries. If queries are not dealt with in stipulated time, it moves to the user at Higher Level in the hierarchy. This ensures that each query answered in time bound approach.
Each Grievance Management System we have developed is customized for the client’s specific needs and requirements. The robustness of the system makes it possible to add any feature request from our clients. Our clients have been using the system for over a decade now.
Apart from posting and closing of queries, this system allows service users to communicate with the customer and post interim replies. Admin dashboard comes with a rich UI that represents MIS data graphically. Each user’s performance report can be monitored in real-time.Primary Modules
Primary Modules:
- User/Customer Registration
- Post Grievance
- Admin Dashboard
- Active Grievances
- Closed Grievances
- Pending Grievances
- Forwarded Grievances
- Grievance History
- Post Interim Replies
- Filters Management
- Inbox
- Compose
- Block List (To prevent abuse of the system)
- MIS Reports